CSS Selectors

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

CSS Selectors

Hello everyone! I have started learning CSS which plays an important role in web development, now I am specifically working on selectors, below you can find some css selectors.

Selector: used to select an element in which we want to make some changes and design

Basic Selectors

  • Universal selector: it will select all the elements in our html document.
       syntax : "*"
  • Individual selector: we can select that element directly
      syntax: "element name"
  • Class selector: "we have to use "." before the class what we need to select.
      syntax: ".classname"
  • Id selector: to select id we have to use "#" before id.
      syntax:"#id name"
  • Chained selector: it helps to select a particular element having more than one classes , ids etc
  • Group selector: incase of selecting a group of elements ,elements should be separated by "," the changes and decorations will be applied on all the elements in the group.
  • Inside an element: In this selector elements are separated by "space" and the second element should follow the previous one.
      syntax: "el1 el2 el3"
  • Direct child selector: it will select a direct child of an element
      syntax: "parent>directchild"
  • General sibling selector: it will select the second element which follows (immediately or not)the first element.
  • Adjacent sibling selector: it will select the second element which immediately follows the first element.
  • Custom attribute selector: it is used to select attributes.



    html code image.png Basic selectors and result: image.png image.png

    Pseudo elements: these are added to selectors and allow us to add some contents or decorate the selected elements.

  • before : using this we can add some cosmetic content to an element using "content" property. The content will be added before the selected element.
      syntax: "element::before"
  • after: like "before" this pseudo element also uses 'content' property to add some contents. here the content will be added after the selected element.
      syntax: "element::after"
  • hover: while hover the selected element, we can make some changes and decorations on that particular element using this selector.
  • focus: we can apply some modifications when focusing the selected element.
  • to select the first child of an element.
  • to select the last child of an element.
  • to select the nth child of an element.

example for pseudo selectors

html code image.png image.png css code and result image.png image.png

Thank you! Hope you find this helpful